Sunday, February 10, 2013

Best fat bike ride of the year so far

After little snowstorm on a Friday night, there was maybe an inch or two of snow on the roads and I did want to go on some ride or some sort.  I couldn't go on my road bike because the roads were too slick, I couldn't go on my mountain bike because I just got it the day before and I was hestitant about getting it wet and snowed on(brand new bike), and I couldn't go on my fat bike because it was sitting in the laundry room with no bottom backet and crank hooked onto it.  So I just laid on my bed all morning staring at the ceiling thinking about what to do, I was thinking about going on another hike like I did the week before or maybe the roads would be clear and dried by the afternoon.  Then I got a call from Brian at Alley Cat Bike Shop and told me the good news, the bearings for the bottom bracket for my fat bike had come in the mail.  I then went down with my deranged fat bike and he put the new bearings in the bottom bracket cups and hooked my crank back on.  Before, the bearings got seized from the whole winter of snow and slush so I had to replace them.  Anyway, I went on a fat bike ride that afternoon and it was awesome.  I rode up on Kane Valley Road and all the way to that flat at the top and kept going down by the Quarries, then rode out on the base of Black Hill.  There were old truck tire tracks I could ride over and there was a little snow and was a long ride(for me), it was beautiful.  The sun came out in some spots and I have got some snow flakes fall on me, and a little wind.  The temperature was cold but was still perfect for my kind of riding.  This might be my last fat bike ride, depends how warm it gets in the next few weeks because it's not fun to ride in slushy snow while it's warm, plus it really ruins the bike when it's really wet.  The perfect fat bike temperature is 25 degrees or lower and the perfection conditions is when the snow is packed down and not too deep and not too slushy.  Well, we'll see, it's Utah, you never know.  

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