Thursday, October 25, 2007

Such hard choices....

I got thinking, if I ever get a girlfriend or a wife and then she says, "The dog goes or I go" or "either the bike goes or I go". I don't know, those would be the hardest choices I would make in life. I don't think I can answer that, I am going to have to think about that in 30 years or so. I just pray that my wife in the future doesn't say such things, ever.

Being caffeinated kills....

I went to my nurse today and told her that I have been staying away from Rockstar, Monster energy drinks because of the caffeine. She said that stuff would work the opposite as my medicine works. It would just make the medicine for my mental illness not work, she said it would just go backwards. No kidding, every time I drink that stuff, my head would just go wired and I can't think clearly. It has so much caffeine(40mg) in a can. For the past few weeks not drinking any of that stuff, I can tell a great big difference, my head has been feeling better and I can think more clearly. My brain feels more calm. My nurse also said when people try to quit drinking caffeine, after 3-5 days not drinking any, they suffer a hell of a headache and sometimes have to go to the hospital. It is a serious addiction, like Coke, Mountain Dew, Energy drinks can be really addictive and is not good for the brain. It is also hard to stop drinking it too, I had a hard time staying away from those Monster drinks and drinking milk and friut punch instead works really well. My last drink was at Grandma's and I had a big caffeine headache and my mind was so wired that I was about to explode. The drink before that was drinking one of those big 32 ounce Monster drink while walking out of Kents, the carpet guy that did our carpet was walking towards me and said, "those things will kill you!" From then on, I stopped drinking those. I used to drink a monster drink like 1-2 times a week and now I am not drinking any. I feel sober. That is probably why my happy pills were kicking in pretty good once a while and beware of me being so happy and can put in Enya music videos in my blog.