Friday, February 1, 2008

Upcoming trip: Easter Weekend, St. George biking...and

This Easter weekend, mom, Becky, and I are planning to go to St. George to spend some time in the warm weather, finally! I am going to take my mountain bike with me and go on the Stucki Springs Trail in the Green Valley area just right outside of St. George while the girls swim and shop. We don't know if we are going to stay down there for one night or two nights, we will decide later. It should be a mountain bike blast! Last year we went to St. George during spring break and I biked on the Gooseberry Mesa and Green Valley trails. Stucki Springs is an additive trail of the Green Valley Trail. Stucki Springs is a total of 21.5 mile loop with some climbing and whole shitload of rollercoaster riding!

Fun whoopee dos and shitload of rollercoaster riding in the 80 degree weather, in March!

Spring in St. George is very nice. Becky likes to swim at the motel and she and mom likes to spend all Saturday to shop while I bike. Good way to spend spring break.

Utah! Folks...

There are three different kind of people in the state of Utah:

Mormons-people that are faithful LDS people that go to church every Sunday.

Jack Mormons-people that say they are mormons but don't live like mormons.

Anti-Mormons-people that say nothing to mormons but shit.