Sunday, August 5, 2007

There's Something About Sadie And Duke

I did some research about Labrador retrievers and this what I found out: Labrador retriever breed of large sporting dog whose origins are obscure but whose immediate ancestors were developed in Newfoundland and brought to England in the early 1800s. It stands about 23 in. high at the shoulder and weighs between 60 and 75 lb. The dense short coat is flat and oily, providing great reisstance to cold weather and icy water. Its color may be black, chocolate, or yellow. The Labrador retriever is widely used to hunt both waterfowl and upland game birds; its loyal and gentle disposition has made it very popular as a companion dog. Use as working dogs: Common working roles for Labradors include: hunting, tracking and detection, disabled assistance, carting, and therapy work. 60-70% of all guide dogs in the US are Labradors. Endal, who during a 2001 emergency is believed to be the first dog to have placed an unconscious human being in the recovery position without prior training, then obtaining the human's mobile phone, "thrusting" it by their ear on the ground, then fetching their blanket, before barking at nearby dwellings for assistance. A number of Labradors have also taught themselves to assist their owner remove money and credit cards from ATMs without prior training. Appearance: The breed tends to shed hair regularly throughout the year. Lab hair is fairly short and straight, and the tail quite broad and strong. The otter-like tail and webbed toes of the Labrador Retriever make them excellent swimmers. Their interwoven coat is also relatively waterproof, providing more assistance for swimming. The tail acts as a rudder for changing directions. Facts: Although they will bark at noise, especially a degree of "alarm barking" when there is noise from unseen sources, Labs are not on the whole noisy or territorial, and are often very easygoing and trusting with strangers, and therefore are not very often used as guard dogs. Labradors have a reputation for appetite, and individuals have been described as willing to eat "anything that isn't nailed down" They are also persuasive and persistent in requesting food. For this reason, the Lab owner must carefully control his/her dog's food intake to avoid obesity and its associated health problems.

Sadie killed nine deer but no birds. Maybe a rabbit too. I am REALLY mad at Sadie for killing the deer. I am rehabilitating her right now.

"Good-tempered, very agile. Excellent nose, soft mouth; keen love of water. Adaptable, devoted companion. Intelligent, keen and biddable, with a strong will to please. Kindly nature, with no trace of aggression or undue shyness." -UK Kennel Club standard