Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Race #10: Rock The Canyons XC Grand Finale Race

The mountain we climbed.

This was mainly my last race of the year. It was a great day and the race started at noon so it was kind of hot though. The Canyons Resort is located north of Park City and it is the biggest ski resort in Utah with like 24 lifts or so. I have ridden the trails in The Canyons Resort before so I knew what it be would like, I just knew the downhill part but the climb up is a trail I never have ridden on before. At first, each category did the half lap(pink trail going up), then down Holly's Downhill back to the start/finish line. Then all the categories did laps on the big lap. Going up Rosebud's, then Rob's trail which was a tough climb. After the climb, it is a sweet downhill(hairy though) down Ambush and Holly's Downhill. My class did a half lap and a full lap while everybody else did a half lap and two full laps, the professional did half lap and 3 full laps. I liked this one because I was in a really good mood for a day of climbing that day so it was perfect. I placed 7th. At first I had a slow start then I started passing everybody on the full lap climb. This was a very good long climb with a long downhill. Just like the trails in where I live. See ya next year for all the races again. St. George is next in March, 2010.