I went snowshoeing in Ephraim Canyon today, nope, not Fairview this time. Didn't have enough money to go to Fairview. In fact, I kind of enjoyed Ephraim Canyon more than Fairview Skyline this time, the snow wasn't so deep and you could actually go somewhere and climb hills. I was planning to go to Taylor's Flat and then on the flat part of the Flume trail but since the snow wasn't so deep, I thought I could get a better workout by going someplace more adventurous and hilly, I went up on the Willow Creek Trail. Yes, that is a steep trail and it was a good hill climbing workout, since I like climbing, I went up all the way to Virgil Ash's tent(little below the A-frame house on Bald Mountain) and back down. I made it to Virgil's tent in 45-50 minutes, that is pretty good since it is an elevation gain at about 1,250 feet, on shoeshoes. I really enjoyed this trip and Sadie went up with me, Duke was going to but he got lost when we started going up so he went back to the car and waited the whole time we went(hour and a half). Duke is a really good patient dog. Knows what he is doing I guess. There were a ton of snowmobilers going up and down the Epraim Canyon Main Road, I could hear all them while I was going up the trail. This was a really good snowshoe trip.