....top of Rim Runner with Stucki Springs down below.
Went back, definitely. Since I am not doing much work this month because construction work is always slow during the winter. So, I am not going to sit on my butt and do nothing. It's cold in Ephraim and warm in St. George, I went to St. George to bike. This time I've decided to do the Rim Rock trail series. The 7 miles of trails consist of Rim Reaper, Rim Rambler, Rim Runner, and Rim Rock, plus the connector trail. They are all in the Santa Clara Desert Preserve which was a pretty area. Distance: 13.5 miles Time: 1.5 hours Lot's of climbing!
....the trails are on top of this mesa on the left, view from Stucki Springs trail down below on the day after.
.....Rim Rambler
The next day, I decided to finish off my biking trip by riding on Stucki Springs/Snakepit Loop again, this time I did it backwards. This direction has way more climbing but I needed it! What a blast, I am still thinking about it right now and I am also worn out. Stucki Springs: Miles-19.25 Time-2 hours.
Map of the Rim Rock Trails....