Thursday, December 3, 2009

Torker U-District commuter bike "Duke Bike"

I need an inexpensive bike to get around places around here. First of all, I need just a "regular bike" to get Duke around. To go on a short ride and let Duke run. I usually take him on Witches Knoll on the very south side of town where there are only about 4 houses on the road and it is a mile stretch paved road. Duke loves to run out there. He'll only run when I am riding a bike though. This is also a good bike to go down the store and get something while you are not worrying about your $3,000 bike outside of the store. This bike should be around $350. It is a singlespeed and by golly, it's maintenance free! And for me, just to bike bum around town in the sunsets sounds pretty nice on it though. This bike was only designed for student commuting but it can be used for many things especially for the town. I can use my expensive mountain bike only for the mountains and expensive road bike for the highway. Good deal.


Daniel said...

Think about it, do you do how much gas money I use to go down to Kent's Market a year? Man.

Caddie said...

Is it your mom who has recipe for pazelles? Found you through Putz; blog and sent comment wanting the recipe. Ha, I don't know what pazelle it but I'm hoping a sweet treat. Hope you can help.

Daniel said...

Just buy a pizelle maker from the store and there should be a recipe that comes with it. If you want a recipe from my mom, then putz and I will blog it on his blog sometime. Pizelles are Italian cookies, they are good but you need a pizelle maker, just like a waffle maker.