When I go see a movie or rent a movie, it is always entertaining...well depends on what movie you get. You may dislike it or like it because of your personality. Everyone always look at the back of the movie and reads the rating the first thing they see before he or she reads the summary. G, PG, PG-13, R, or unrated are the ratings. It can be good if you are a mormon and really care about how bad or good it is. Here are the information about the ratings and to think about what you really should get next time you go see or rent a movie:
G-means Good: a good movie can be the most entertaining for kids and most boring for grown ups. Most parents love to watch these movies with their kids and find it very entertaining, no swearing, no humor, well maybe a little bit of bad humor. Can be a cartoon or a good movie but may be stupid for teenagers and grown ups.
PG-means Partly Good: a movie with lots of cartoon bad humor and kids find it very entertaining because of the humor. Grownups may also find this movie to be entertaining because the humor may be funny enough for them. There are some movies that are serious PG movies that are just based on a true story and so on for the whole family to watch. These movies are great family movies.
PG-13-means Partly Good 13 and over: a great movie for mormon grown ups and any kind of teenagers. Great date movie and can be very entertaining clean flick(compared to R movies). Has bad humor, some grown up material and jokes. Some movies may have a light sex scene in most of them and have sex and crude humor in comedy movies. In serious movies, can have some violence and grown up talk but not too grown up that you don't get it. Great movies for mormons.
R-means Retarded or some cases,
Really Good: only for people that are 18 and over and not are self conscious about themselves(not making good decisions). A no no for mormons. In some cases these CAN be good movies, depends on how it is made. Too grown up conservations can be made in these movies and sometimes can be too confusing to follow. In these movies there are always a heavy sex scene be thrown in and can be very disturbing. Disturbing images, too violent, and too much really bad swearing and also be thrown in in these movies. Not a great movie for dating if you are a mormon, because you are not following the standards and the girl will just throw you off. Speaking of really good movies, some of these movies can be really good but there is always something disturbing but CAN be ignored, if you don't mind the violence(like 300 or Alien), you might find it entertaining.
Unrated-means Unmovie: This is a definitely a no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no movie for everyone. The first thing you should think about before renting this movie is there is always a really heavy sex scene or nudity in this movie. Another thing that they put down parts they wouldn't even dare to show it in the theater. It's for those losers that really want to see a movie that goes to the extreme. Way to violent, too many disturbing images, and porno type scenes.