Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Antelope Island

Last weekend, we went up to take a bed up to my sister's apartment up North and I took my bike with me.  My brother and his boys invited me to ride on Antelope Island with them.  It was a good day but a little chilly but hey, it's March so it was great.  When we got there at the trail head, there was a run event going on called Buffalo Run which was a 100 mile endurance event so they were pretty much running all day.  I wanted to take my nephews on Lakeside Trail because it is short and flat but we did the other trails like up at Elephant Head Trail because there were some runners running on the Lakeside Trail.

We rode the road up to Elephant Head Trail and it is a tough climb.  We all barely made it up and the boys did really good.  We were all happy when we got to the top.  Then we headed onto Elephant Head Trail which the boys liked better because it was more fun and technical.  They like technical stuff because of their awesome dirt bike skills.

At the end of Elephant Head Trail, we were rewarded with this view.  We talked about the movie, "300" and what use could the Great Salt Lake could do.  Then we headed back on Elephant Head Trail and back down the road back to the trucks.  It was a great ride and the boys did really did good even though it was a lot of climbing.  I hope they had fun though.  After my brother and the boys left, I rode on the Lakeside Trail because I was curious about it.  The runners have had mellowed down and so I rode on the trail a little bit.  It is a three mile trail along the side of the lake with a very technical section at the middle mile of it which I walked on.  I don't think my brother and the boys would liked that anyway because I pretty much walked about 3/4 of a mile so the trails we went were perfect and fun enough.  It was very fun to ride with my brother and nephews..

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