Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Saturday Road Ride

After a half of week of rain and snow, most of the hills were all muddy so there's no stopping me from going on a ride. Since it's no fun to ride a mountain bike in the mud, I went on a road bike ride on the backroads in northern Sanpete. This time I hit a 56 miler in 3 hours and 20 minutes, I left at 10:30 and got on the road by 11:00 and it was maybe like 49-50 degrees, not too bad, I just put on a bike under garment, arm warmers, and knee warmers. Brach and his friend were already on the road, I saw his truck parked on the 5 Mile Junction where I also parked. I thought I could see him during the ride. So I just gunned it most of the ride and went through Spring City, Mt. Pleasant, Fairview, and to Milburn. At Milburn, which was higher than most other cities, it was a lot colder and this was the time I wished I had my windbreaker. Then I turned around and headed back(kind of shivering). I didn't see Brach at all, I assumed maybe he was at the Whispering Pines Road. I took a snack and drink break at the Fairview convenient store. I felt great overall but my legs were a little achy from my previous rides during the week. I still climbed the hills on the way back and my back was killing me most of the way but I thought I could just keep going and beat the pain. So, it wasn't too bad when I went a little harder after Spring City to 5 Mile Junction. I got back and hit the 56.3 mile mark on my cyclometer. Chris, my boss was there at 5 Mile Junction in his truck changing and I said hi to him. He said he just got done with his ride also. He said he was right behind me the whole time and turned around sooner than I did(halfway between Fairview and Milburn). He said he saw Brach too. I can't believe I didn't see any of my biking buddies during the whole ride! Well, I had a fun ride, that was my Saturday.


Putz said...

so that was your sturday, hey??????

Daniel said...

Just to let you know, I spent the other half of Saturday with you. And mowing the lawn.