Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gone Out Of The Wind

This is lower Ephraim Canyon, there is a new singletrack trail from the hydroplant to New Canyon Road then ride on the New Canyon Road(the smaller one on the far left) for a while and get back on singletrack again to the A-Frame house on the main Canyon Road then from there is nothing but a bad ass singletrack downhill back to Ephraim.
Flume Trail

Finally the snow melted on the Flume Trail and I waited all winter for this ride. It was a very windy day today but when I got in the canyon after 10 minutes from the house, there was no wind at all. Wind doesn't blow in the canyons, that is what is so nice about them. There were some downhill dudes at the top of the Flume Trail and I said hi and all but didn't stop. The climb up to it from the hydroplant at the bottom of the canyon is my favorite part because I LOVE TO CLIMB! I always enjoy the climbs more than the downhills on every ride I go. Because climbing to me is more challenging every time. The trail downhill was pretty packed down already, by a lot. I guess people like to shuttle up and go down it. The uphill trail, I was third tracks for this year. This is a good old training route that lasts for an hour total time, from the house to the house(point A to point A).


Putz said...

it is supposed to blow blow snow today

Laura said...

we'd love to hang out. Do you need somewhere to stay? Just let us know. There's a good place to eat in franklin I believe, and I've heard the borderline grill is great.