Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Dad wanted me to make a new year's resolution for 2009. The first thing came into my mind for 2009, are all the bike races I am going to do in 2009. I am going to be doing 11 out 12 of them and my main goal is to get a little fitter while I train and ride the races. I started today by taking off 250 calories off of my calorie daily intake each day and ride an extra 10-20 minutes of each of my training rides during training season this year. There.


Putz said...

My new years resolution is get an artificial tree, for sure. For $15, prelit, for 2009 Christmas, I have a whole year to work on becky.

Putz said...

a live tree is so is bad for the air to cut it down is against the green enviornmentalists. it ruins the land when you dig it out of the roots, it is bad if you burn it when it is done, it falls down because it is too big for the stand...the neddles fall off early, you have to wire it to the wall and put glue in the bottom to make it stand is always a little lopsided, tony what about the tree you gave becky that she doens't want in her apartment....???is it a straight tree easy to assemble????i have a whole year to dream of this tree that doesn't hur the outside

Skybob said...

Did I give a tree to Becky? If it's the one that I tried to give Daniel then I guess it's easy. You still get needles on the ground and I think the live ones are actually easier to set up. We have one that is about 16" tall and prelit that we used when we were going to need one like that. No fuss, no muss..and you can fit it anywhere! I think it was like 10 bucks at K-Mart.