After working for a while, now weekends are worthful to me because they are more funner and more worthwhile when you are working at a job. So my weekend started Friday morning at 10:30 a.m. because we were done with everything we wanted to get done and I already had 39.5 hours logged in. Anyways, I went down the lumber store and got wood, screendoor hardware, screen, and one gallon of polyurethane. I built the screen door and it took mostly all day and it works really great and looks really great with the cabin. It looks like it came with the cabin. I designed it so it looks like a pioneer type screen door. Then on Saturday morning, I went on another road ride with Stever Brown and Brian Whipple. Then after my ride, I varnished the floor, bunk beds, ladder, and the screen door. I put 2 coats of polyurethane on the bunk beds, 3 coats on the floor, 3 coats on the screen door, and one coat on the ladder. It should last long and keep everything from getting scratched.
Speedy came to our house for the first time and he is one heck of a great dog. He really likes to be around people. He really likes me and likes to be petted. He is really well-trained. Everytime I went someplace and came back, Speedy barks and thinks I am a burglar, well that's what normal dogs do too I guess, but he actually taps you on your knee everytime the phone rings, most dogs don't do that. I think that is really cool. He doesn't beg for food at the dinner table and he just sits there when you eat. I wish Sandy was like that because she is like crazy when it comes to food. Well, I got a picture of Speedy in the bathtub so I hope you'll all enjoy the picture.
Well, still more to do on my cabin, a new cabinet, a new tv stand(will make the cabinet and tv stand), fix the little part on the ceiling, get a stove, I got a fridge though, a little one I can put on the cabinet to put drinks in, and I will build a new wood porch with railings and a fancy roof over it next spring. But I got to get all the interior stuff done first. Oh yeah, I will buy a wood chair with a leather cushion on it from Wal*Mart I looked at the other day. It should be a really sweet cabin and everybody will fight over it when everybody comes and visit I hope.
Not Bad. I wish I didn't have to spend most of my weekends doing yard work, house work, fixing machines, but that's life I guess...for now at least.
Ya, I guess that is life, like I have to mow two lawns every weekend, that sucks. I do enjoy fixing the cabin and riding my bike. The cabin will only last a few more weekends and so will biking, and even mowing, then it will snow. I don't know what to do on the weekends when it will snow, probably sleep in my warm bed and watch tv in front of the fire, only way to enjoy winter I guess. That doesn't sound like a bad idea, relax after working and biking all year.
well i have to sleep in to 10am every morning checking on blogs, internet places, geneology, sit on the porch to watch for birds who don't come anymore{because of the cat] NOTICE DUKE SADIE, JP AND SANDY, DAILY, wonder when it will snow, watch tv, in front of the fire etc etc....oh do you know the three things in front of the mind? i'm cold, i'm hungry, and what's on t.v.....for tony 4 is brmmm brmmm brmmm
You know Tony, my boss said that he goes to Moab on Christmas Day because there are no people AND NO RANGERS! He said you feel like you have the whole place to yourself. Maybe you ought to think about spending Christmas Day in Moab and open Christmas presents in the trailer, would that be fun? I don't know if Santa Claus would come to your camping spot though, he wouldn't know where you are. Oh yeah, he's magic, he would probably know where you are, maybe.
Rob grew up with Brian Wipple. Is the Brian Wipple you are riding with about 40 years old and grew up in Midvale and has a little sister named Annette? Maybe you are riding with his son???? Ask about him and see if he knows Rob Young. I really like all the stuff about the cabin. It sounds like it will be really nice. Are you thinking of living out there or just using it as a guest cottage???
I am kind of living out there right now to get away from the people sometimes, especially mom and dad. It is mainly for the guests and that is why I am trying to make it nice. Yes, Brian Whipple is around 40 so I will ask him if he knows Rob, I bet he does, that would be so cool! Small world. Brian is one of the counselors down at the Counseling Center.
ya, with the outdoor lights on the trailer you could look christmassy any where you were on christmas..moab, big water beatty gallop .....what about christmas in big water????
Ok, but they aren't Christmas lights, and we like spending Christmas at home. It will just be like one or two porch lights so we can night. And actually for's more like Brrraap, Brrap, Brrrrraaaaaaaaa!!!
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