Monday, July 16, 2007

Chimney Rock and Hickory Nut Falls (Film Site of"The Last of the Mohicans")....

Chimney Rock
Hickory Nut Falls, we hiked on a 2 and a half round trip trail with cliffs on the side to Hickory Nut Falls from Chimney Rock. Dad about died and waited for him a lot but we enjoyed the scenery. It was great!

Blue Ridge Mountains

Blue Ridge Mountains

Groundhog Slide. Hawkeye, Chingachgook, and Uncas ran up this steep slope as they chased Magua in the movie, "The Last of the Mohicans".

Nature's Showerbath. Here is where Magua and Uncas were embroiled in a dramatic fight scene and where Alice did the suicidal jump in "The Last of the Mohicans".

Top of Hickory Nut Falls. The climactic fight scene took place at the top of the falls where Chingachgook killed Magua in the movie, "The Last of the Mohicans".

This is where we stayed in. We rented 2 cabins at Black Forest Campground near Dupont State Forest.

"The Fam" on top of Hickory Nut Falls.


Skybob said...

Very nice!

Daniel said...

Yes, it is very nice. The fall usually has more water going down during the spring, it is dry season right now. In the movie, you can see more water going down especially when you see the background behind Grey Hair in the Huron indian village. It's pretty cool though. The fall drops down like 2,000 feet or something.

Daniel said...

We were going down the trail, and in the movie, they were running up the trail towards the fall.

Putz said...

as you can see by me in the picture the long hike caused me to shrink in size

Putz said...

in the picture of the cabin i was on the bottom punk and they only had pressed wood for the bunk and with daniel on top, i thought he would come through all night and crush me like my smashed pennies

Anonymous said...

Daniel, We just watched the movie again and it is so cool to see the scenes in the background and know that we were there walking those same trails. I think the other falls were prettier but I love the fact that we were walking along a movie scene

Anonymous said...

We just watched the movie again and it was so neat to know that we were walking the same trails as the movie scene. It was beautiful. I think the other falls in Dupont we prettier but I loved the fact that we were in the same places the movie was shot in.

Anonymous said...

We just got finished watching some scences from the movie. I think it was so cool to be hiking the same trails where the movie was shot! It was beautiful but I think the Dupont falls were even better!

Daniel said...

Yeah, Dupont was really pretty, I wish we saw Bridal Veil Falls where they went under in the movie. But maybe next year or so we can do that long hike to it and maybe swim in that one. We'll have to plan on a big hike and give us all day to do it next time.

Skybob said...

That is cool! We found some spots in Moab where City slickers, Mission Impossible, and, oh heck what is that one, breakdown or something. Where are Mike and Laura? Did their house burn down?

Putz said...

It was sooooo beautiful! We all loved going there. Mom