Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Certain Sacrifices Have To Be Made To Obtain The 2007 Titus Oseo

Everybody knows that I wouldn't do that. I've seen real people do these kind of things while I was on my mission. A family that lives in a trailer and the father has a $60,000 Harley Davidson motorcyle parked in front and had a Harley Davidson leather jacket on. The mother complained about how he puts all his money in his motorcycle and not spend it on his wife and kids. Horrible. A real bad example. They were mormons too, we ate dinner with them. There is also a lady in Everett that couldn't afford piano lessons for her daughter because she said she has to have her $2.00 latte every morning. Pretty selfish on her kid. Really bad. Just a few examples for all of you that has kids. I don't have to worry about that because I don't have any kids. So I get to buy whatever I want.


Putz said...

Ahhhhhh, the single life!

Putz said...

Ahhhhhhh, the single life!

Becky Barlow said...

Seriously? People that you met on your mission were kind of odd.

Daniel said...

Yep Becky, they were really odd, there were a lot of odd people in the Seattle area. You don't know what it's like up there. But they were really nice people though. I liked them.