Wednesday, March 7, 2007

How Are The Dogs After A Long Winter?

After a loooong cold dark miserable winter, the dogs are still alive. Sadie, Sandy, Duke, Oskar, and Lucky. Sadie seemed real happy when she got out of the Willardson's garage and paid a visit to the Barlow house. She spent all winter with Duke(another Willardson dog) in the garage in back of their house. They survived in the minus's all winter and couldn't wait for spring which is here now. Lucky, the Larson's outdoor dog was the brave one. He spent all winter in the kennel in the Larson's backyard. I was impressed because Lucky is only a few months old. Sandy and Oskar, the indoor dogs, slept and slept all winter in the nice warm houses. But they were miserable because they wished it was warm outside for their bathroom breaks. Sandy is happy with the Barlows because the Barlows treat her like a queen. Look at her sleeping on the living room couch! Sandy does go out with Grandpa Barlow and takes a walk EVERYDAY, mainly to make sure Sandy poops and pee outside. But Sandy doesn't like to go on walks so Grandpa drags her out of the house and then goes. I don't see Sadie, Duke, Oskar, and Lucky go out on walks they have been good dogs over the winter.

1 comment:

Skybob said...

Someone needs to kick that dog off the couch and make her into a real dog!(sorry Becky)