Wednesday, February 7, 2007

This is the Sikk Trailbike I was talking about. It is 160 lbs made out of aluminum(light!) and it should be fast. It only costs $1900 and I hope to get it by summer time if I start working this spring. I hope to get a job by spring and that is when all the construction starts picking up. Jason Maylett said he doesn't need any help right now but maybe later in the spring. So I also asked Ben Gordon and he also said that I might have to wait until spring. The reason why I want a motorbike is because I want to be able to go up the mountains and go everywhere and it is cheaper than a truck. I rather have a motor bike than a truck. I also go everywhere on my mountain bike but it would double the pleasure if I have both mountain bike and motor bike and a road bike. Well it is starting to get warm enough to ride on my road bike now with all my outerwear on. I went up the paved canyon road in the last two 50 degree weather days. I went on one of my best ski trips for a long time. I went to Beaver Mountain and I skied on Mogals all day long and it was so fun. Michael got sick and threw up all over the mountain and stayed in the lodge most of the day. But I still had fun. They had two mogal runs I really liked and they are probably my favorite ones in Utah. I also went to Solitude on the week before and it was also fun. There were also mogals but not as good as Beaver Mountain. I had fun on both resorts and they were nice days. I am planning to go on one more ski trip this winter.


Skybob said...

Dude that's SICK!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan,

Cool bike! I know it is something you will enjoy...just save enough money for a helmet! (sorry that is just the "Big Sis" in me talking) Can't wait to see you this summer!

love ya

Skybob said...

Dude, have you found this cheaper anywhere, or is it stil like $2,400?

Skybob said...

Have you ever considered a Yamaha TTR125?

Skybob said...

Anybody home?

Skybob said...

Hey, how come you don't answer your comments?

Skybob said...

This blog sucks.

Skybob said...

Do you ever wonder if you are getting comments that you don't know about?

Skybob said...

I saw the sikk bike for $1,799
I also saw a kx125 in ephraim for $500.

Skybob said...

The kx was on

Skybob said...

Dude, it would be cool if you put a "ticker" on your blog to track your savings. Go here and check out the different designs etc. if you want.