Sunday, February 18, 2018

Some rides at home...

We had a very mild winter this winter so I had the chance to do some big long rides.

Ephraim Canyon Road

Then one day I took off work early to do a long 50 mile ride around Gunnison and Mayfield areas.  It was so warm and unusual for early February.

I haven't done 50 miles for so long but I did it.  The key is to stay under 155 beats per minute for your heart rate....then you can go longer.  Heck, I felt like going all day at this rate.

This President's Day weekend, I did a big ride again.  I'm trying to do more bigger rides for base training then when summer comes, I can gun it on short mountain bike rides at high intensity.

I rode on the Interstate 70 Frontage Road from Salina until it got too muddy and snowy.  Or I like call it Salina Creek Road.

First time I have ridden it and I really like it.  It's good for low intensity riding, just a very gradual incline but mostly flattish...and some hills, not big though.

The one steep hill.

I turned around here.  I was trying to make it to the tunnel you see from driving on I-70, but I was only like 1/4 of a mile from it where I turned around.  I knew it was there but the mud on the road was so thick that it was building up on my tires.  I should have turned around long before that because it would've been nice to not clean my bike after the ride.  I am going to do this ride again this spring anyway.

And I bought some posters for my room to keep me motivated for my rides.

And some Tour de France posters to keep me motivated for long rides because that is what I am trying to work on right now.

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