Sunday, December 25, 2016

End of the year 2016

I got a new road bike at the local bike shop in Ephraim on the day before Thanksgiving.  I got a screaming good deal on it.  It does feel better and fits me more nicely, it is more upright and I feel like I can do longer distances on it.  It's an endurance type bike, not a race bike like my Klein.  I am going to keep my Klein for collection.

Plus it's an eleven speed in the back so it has two lower gears in the back just in case they pave the Ephraim Canyon Road next year.

This is my first fat bike snow ride this year on December 3rd which was Global Fat Bike Day.  I had a good ride and it was fun.  I rode on Rabbit Run Trail and then around Black Hill.

I remember it being cold that morning but it still felt nice from the hot summer.

Last weekend, I did a Moab hiking trip.  It snowed a lot in the mountain valleys in Utah and as drove out of the desert, there was a little or no snow.  This was at a rest stop on I-70.

When I got there, I hiked Corona Arch.  There was NO ONE there. (Another arch by it in the picture above)

I took my dog, Duke with me.  He really enjoyed as much as me.

Duke just makes the Corona Arch better with him in it.

After Corona Arch, we had enough time to do the Stairmaster Trail just outside of Moab.

It just goes straight up on a steep climb with an elevation gain of 900 feet just in 1 mile.  The trail was all about aerobic and I loved it.

At the top....

....then looking east above Moab.  We walked back down and made it before dark.

Then we stayed in a pet friendly motel.  This was the first time Duke stayed in a motel and it was fun.  We watched TV.

The next morning, we hiked at Fisher Towers.

There was a little bit of snow because Fisher Towers is closer to the mountains and a little higher.

Pretty cool.  Movies were filmed there.

We made it to the ladder and back.  We couldn't do the whole trail because things got hairy because of the snow.  So we turned around at 1.5 miles.  There were a few other people on the trail and all of these trails we did in Moab were dog friendly trails.  Really nice.  So we went home the Cisco way and made it home from there.  Hiking is a very good activity to do in Moab especially in the winter time.  I'd do it again.  Plus, there is no one else around in the winter time, so you got the whole place to yourself.

Yesterday's bike ride.  Now there are a lot of snow in Ephraim and good enough to ride in Black Hill.  I even did a night ride in a snowstorm on Kane Valley Road on a weekday last week.  That's what happens when you got to work until dark.  Winter daylight hours are a little weasey.  I might do more cold, dark night rides more often after work.  It's not so bad, I actually had fun that night.

Well, did I tell you I have a cat at work?  A ferrel cat just showed up one day then wouldn't leave.  So I started to take care of it and feed it.

The cat's name is "Cat".  He is really affectionate and gets along with the dogs.

Lou Lee, the puppy at the shop plays with Cat all the time at the shop.  It's fun to watch them.
One day, somebody walked in and said, "Has this shop turned in a petting zoo?"  Laugh out loud!

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