Friday, May 1, 2015

Klondikes Bluffs 2015

Pretty much it's a personal tradition every year that I go to Moab once in the Spring and once in the Fall.  This time, I took a drive down, rode for 3 hours, then drove home.  Moab is not like it used to be.  More and more people every year during the seasons.  Especially there was a big car show going on in the town of Moab and I didn't even bother going into town.  But my mom did go to town to eat lunch while I rode though.  It only took us 2.5 hours to drive down to North Klondike Bluffs from home.  Klondike Bluffs Trail System is a sweet mountain biking area. 

That's the reason why there is more and more people going to Moab area every year.  So much more and more new mountain bike trails built every year and I can't even catch up.  Too much to explore.  This time, I did Alaska Trail and a few others I've never heard of.  So I did a good 18 mile ride, all singletrack.  Alaska was my favorite part and climbing to the top was the best part.  Also the weaving and meandering all over the place was a blast.   The climb was decent and I very much enjoyed it.

The top of Alaska had a good view of the Arches National Park just east of where I was.  Then after that was more weaving and meandering.  What great fun!

There was quite of few other riders.  They were pretty much happy and we all waved at each other. What a great friendly bicycling community I live in!

I went along UFO Trail and down Baby Steps.  I remember I did this trail before years ago but I went uphill on it.  It still felt uphill while going down on it.  Under this rock in the picture above is where I threw up a little. Some of a peanut butter sandwich and water.  But I felt better afterwards.  I finished the ride going on a new trail that was recently built that goes off the side from Baby Steps which was an advanced trail I think but it was good to do some challenging stuff.  Then went back to the parking lot on the Dino Cliffs Trail.  This is the longest mountain bike ride I've done this year so far and I really needed it!

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