Wednesday, April 8, 2015

One Day Long Spring Break

During our "one day long spring break".  My family and I headed to the Wedge Overlook.  I took my bike of course and it was my sister's first time in the area. 

The dogs came and they had a blast, I think.  Here's my sister and my mom in this picture.  My dad came too.

Here's my dad and his favorite place.  We also met some people from Greensboro, North Carolina, a 45 minute drive from my older sister's place in North Carolina.  We just thought is was odd that people from that far away knew about this place in the middle of nowhere.  We also bumped into an old neighbor that used to live across the street from our house.  I didn't see her though because I was out on a bike ride. 

While my parents and my little sister ate a picnic, read books, and sightsaw the Wedge more, I rode my bike on the Goodwater Rim bike trail. 

It was a good ride and I felt good and strong.  I went 9 miles and then 9 miles back which is halfway of the whole 15 mile trail.  I kind of liked that way better than doing the whole trail then come back on the dirt road because on the way back on the trail is mostly an uphill so I can get a workout.  It was an awesome ride and fast.  I didn't site see that much and I didn't run into any other riders at all.  There was a little bit of wind but the Junipers blocked most of it.

After my 2 hour ride, we all drove the car down through Buckhorn Draw to show my little sister the cool stuff.  My parents have seen it before but my sister hadn't.  First, we saw a dinosaur footprint....

Then the pictographs.....

Some rock art....

.....and of course, the Matt Warner name.  Who was an outlaw with Butch Cassidy. 

What a great little trip!

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