Sunday, November 23, 2014

New bike...almost

You know how I explained that there was a problem with the fork, then the headset?  Well, the whole time is was a bad head tube.  It was cracked and it was out of whack. Mad Dog Cycles, where I bought this bike from looked at it and replaced the whole frame under warranty and the Trek Red Shield.  I guess this is the third new frame and most of the parts on it are still 5 years old.  I guess I'll just keep riding it.  I rode it yesterday and it was a great ride.  I loved the feel of it.  I was thinking about selling it but I figured I probably won't make any money out of it and I hate selling bikes and cars off of classifieds and ads.  It never works out and I could never make money doing it because I am a very bad salesman.  I am thinking of upgrading the drivetrain to a 2X10 drivetrain and it should be a good bike.  It would be updated.  Then just ride it a little longer then buy a new bike but probably not Trek.  Then just use this bike as a second bike.

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