Tuesday, July 29, 2014


A few things have been happening around my everyday life other than biking.  There was a wildfire close to Ephraim just at the other side of West Mountains.  I think it's out today from the pouring flash flood rainstorm.

Then a house that nobody lives in like 2 blocks away caught on fire.  The whole town rushed over there to see where the smoke was coming from because I guess all these small town folk care about each other.  I don't know how it started though.

Here's a book I found in a book store in Park City.  The title says, "Good Advice from Bad People, Selected wisdom from Murderers, Stock Swindlers, and LANCE ARMSTRONG"  Ha ha, this made me laugh out loud.  Lance Armstrong!  I should of bought the book.  Man, I feel sorry for this guy.  I really do!

This is the truth.  This is why I don't watch sports on tv.  Soccer players, football players, basketball players I think are a bunch a wimps and yet bike racers just keep going no matter what.  This reminds me, I just read an article today that a cyclist got shot by somebody while riding and just kept going and rode to the hospital.  Wow.  Well, I did keep going without whining every time I wrecked and scraped up myself so bad when I was racing.

I made this fireplace mantle during free time in the cabinet shop where I work.  I made this for my brother and sister-in-law and they really like it!  It looks good in their living room.

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