Sunday, December 1, 2013

North Dakota Trip and Travels

I got asked to work two weeks to work on a couple projects in North Dakota.  To be exact, it was in Gladstone which is about 10 to 15 miles east of Dickinson.  Dickinson is a big city and Gladstone is a really small town, all it has is a grainery, a bar, and a post office.  It was supposed to be a week and a half we were supposed to be there but our boss extended it so we wouldn't have to come back after Thanksgiving.

We had a Sunday off.  We did actually go to church.  I went in levis though but it was nice to go to church.  We just went to Sacrament meeting, then afterwards, us four guys went for a drive on Enchanted Highway.  It supposed to have the world's biggest metal sculptures.  Here's some pics.

North Dakota has nothing out there and it was very cold with the Canadian winds blowing from north.  We've had some mornings in the negative temperatures and one day the highest it went was 12 degrees.  We spent the first week doing outside work and the cold week doing inside work.  We got a LOT done.

This is one of the two projects.  This one is a pain because this duplex is huge and very tall.  We got a lot done on this one.  We were doing log siding in this picture, also the rear deck.  The other project is a small home about 10 blocks away.  Still have a lot work done on that one too.  They are basically all modulars, we built them in sections in the shop in Mt. Pleasant, Utah and shipped all the boxes up to North Dakota and stitched them up.

On the way home was beautiful.  We drove through Montana, West Yellowstone, and Idaho.  The above pictures are the sun rises at Island Park, ID and the Grand Teton Mountains.  I love sun rises!  We were actually gone from our homes exactly 16 days and I won't do that again.   Well, I got see a coyote and a bison.


Putz said...

gee dan how big is that grasshopper behind you??????????

Daniel said...

Very big. Taller than our house.

Daniel said...

Very big. Taller than our house.