Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ideal Weight

My mom has been bugging me in the past little while that I need to lose a few pounds. I did some math figuring out what my ideal weight should be, so I can go faster on my bike.

Here'a some math:
Figuring out my baseline weight- 106 pounds for the first 5 feet of height +6 pounds for each additional inch.
So it's 106 plus (my height 72 inches minus 60 inches =12, so it's 12 times 6 is 72) so 106+72=178 is my baseline weight.
Now my wrist size is 7 and a half inches and the rule is add 10% which is the ideal weight (according to a chart I looked at).
So, My ideal wieght is 195 pounds. I am now 233 pounds and body fat is 31% which considers obese. Healthy body fat percentage is for men is 10=25%.

I did some other math:
Here is some math figuring out my ideal weight by using body fat percentage-
Current weight(233)xbody fat percentage(31%)=72.23(pounds of body fat)
Current weight(233)-pounds of body fat(72.23)=160.77(Lean body mass)
Now 1.00-the percentage of body fat you want to be(I say I want to have 20% of body fat)0.20=0.80
At last, lean body mass(160.77)divided by 0.80=200.96 pounds
So my ideal weight is 200 pounds if I want 20% of body fat. I figured it backwards how much body fat I would have if I was down to 195 and it is 17% which is good!

Well, so I got to lose 30 or so pounds to get to my ideal weight. A couple years ago I went from 230 pounds to 208 pounds and looked pretty good and biked a lot better on climbs. But I slowly gained it back it up over the years. Now I have to start all over again and figure out some hell of a way to maintain it. It's going to be hard! Just keep biking and eat nutritiously.


Tony said...

It's not easy

Daniel said...

Yes, I know, I like to eat, that's the problem.

Tony said...

My ideal weight is 172..since I was born in 1972.

Daniel said...

That's funny dude.