Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sorry, no picture...

Well, I love Saturday morning rides, they are my favorite things in life. After my weekly worries and stuff like that, it's just nice to get out and ride a bicycle.
This morning, I slept in and it was already beautiful outside, sunny and beautiful. At 10:30, I went out to go out on a moderate ride, not too hard, not too easy, just a 2 hour ride on my mountain bike. Since there's hunters up in the mountain, I just went on the dirt roads along the foothills of Ephraim.
It was beautiful, crisp, nice, and cool. Only 2 clouds up in the sky and later at the end of the ride around 12:30, there were more clouds but still beautiful. I remember by the time I got to Pigeon Hollow by Spring City on the gravel road when I turned around, I looked up and the White Hills and Black Hills had sun shining on them and it was beautiful. Was shining and not a soul anwhere, I wonder where they all went, maybe a couple of squirrels were out there. Oh yeah, everybody was out hunting in the higher elevation mountains or in their homes watching LDS General Conference. This ride couldn't get better than that. .....wish I took some pictures with my camera but the picture memories were priceless. ...better than a camera picture.

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