Saturday, July 16, 2011

Flume Trail Downhill, Ephraim Canyon video

Untitled from blazeofgloryoffroad on Vimeo.

This is the video of me riding my mountain bike down on my hometown trail. My brother was a on motorbike behind me video taping me. I didn't know he was taping me at all until he told me down at the bottom. I was showing him and his two boys some trails in Ephraim Canyon. If I'd knew he was taping me, I would get all nervous and wreck all over the place! I didn't too bad, did I? I love this trail. By the way, I did some of the trail work, like that big bridge right at first. Still holding up! I've overheard someone saying it was built by the Army Corps. of Engineers! I should be proud of myself!


rhymeswithplague said...

Is this really you, Daniel? Dude! It is some scary biking to this easterner's eyes! At 4:36 it changes to a different bike and a different, smaller rider wearing a brown jacket. What's with that?

Daniel said...

Well, I was leading my brother and his two boys(they were on motor bikes and I was on a mountain bike) on this trail. They've never ridden the trail before and I have and that's why I was in front. Yeah, I have ridden in the east before and in the west, there's some scary mountain trails!