Sunday, April 24, 2011

Gettin' there!

(take out the chips and Pepsi, I usually eat more nutritously than that cat)
I swear the last few weeks has been hard. Just not going on a ride when my mind is telling me to but my legs weren't. As I mentioned a few posts back, I've made a mistake on going too hard too early and then I got burnt. Well, I am still trying to recover, and to recover from my mistakes. After the bike race and Arizona bike rides, I took a week off except I did a recovery ride or two and then decided to go on a hard ride, I couldn't make it up the first hill. My legs felt wasted. So, I've decided, I just needed a little more time to let my leg muscles recooperate. Then over this weekend I went on a 2 hour moderate intensity ride and two recovery rides and my legs felt a little better. I am hoping maybe this week or two weeks, I will back into training. One fellow biker asked me if I am eating enough bananas and I think I am, I don't know really, but I know it's from the (too hard) training from winter when I was supposed to do moderate intensity workouts. So, I don't know, it's really a mystery to me. It's hard when it's so nice outside and the trails are dry and it's making mad. I keep telling myself in the past few weeks, why did I ride too much in 15 degree weather over the winter and now I can't ride at all while it's 60-70 degrees right now? I should have turned the other way around and then have a perfect season but still, I am getting there, still eating enough vitamins and minerals, making sure I am getting plenty of sleep, and doing a lot of walking and recovery rides. I just have to be a little more patient. Maybe one more week or a few days, then I might feel ready to ride hard and do lot's of climbing, I hope!

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