Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A pedalin' at Deer Valley on Labor Day

That day on Labor Day with the family, we went to Park City, yes I was there to work earlier that week to install a $7,500 bunk beds we made. I had a chance to ride for like 2 hours around Deer Valley resort and had a fun time. I haven't ridden for a while and so the first hour was brutal but the last hour was much better. At first I climbed a new trail, I've never ridden before which went up to Silver Lake then went down Little Stick and Deer Crest then did the race loop for another hour which was Pipeline and Gap trails. I had a lot fun and the weather was perfect, it was cold that morning so I waited until later in the day like in the afternoon.
I had a good trip but I had to get up at 5 the next morning to go up to Deer Valley again to work on the beds. Now I am home and not going back up until we get the entertainment thingy thing made then install that there. My co-worker is doing some touch up finishes tomorrow on the beds then I am supposed to call and see if I work some more in the shop later this week. I really like Park City riding, it's my most favorite place in the whole state of Utah to ride. So much trails everywhere.

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