Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blackhawk/Rock Spring Trail Riding...

I spent the last two weeks right after my last race not riding, well maybe a few short rides, but mostly recovery rides not more than one hour. This morning, I felt good enough to go on a hard long ride(finally!). Since I went to watch the Tour of Utah, I thought a lot about Payson Canyon and the Blackhawk Trail happened to slip into my mind. I remember doing this trail during fall of '97 with two other guys. I remember it was a lot of fun and we did it because there weren't much singletrack trails near Ephraim. I decided to do it again today and it was harder than I thought! A lot of granny gear climbing and very long. I did a 16 mile loop and went on the Blackhawk and Big Spring/Jones Ranch trails. These trails are actually equastrian trails and is shared with mountain bikers and hikers. There were a lot of fresh wet horse poop everywhere and I got some on me and my bike. I didn't run into any horses though, thank goodness. There were a lot people up there though, a lot campers, bow hunters, mountain bikers, and road bikers. On the trail, it was nice, only ran into maybe 5 other mountain bikers. It was a good ride today and I was out and in my car in about 3 hours. I probably got 2 hours and 30 minutes of riding and 30 minutes worth of taking breaks and eating snacks. The downhill was great though and that reminds me, I checked both of my brake pads, they are all worn down, I need to get some new ones next week. I'd do this trail again!

1 comment:

Tony said...

Looks like a good one. Better enjoy those high mtn. trails while you can eh. I'm going up Bountiful again tonight.. we're going to try to explore more of the singletrack trail up there I guess.