Thursday, March 4, 2010

First mountain riding on the new bike...

Last Tuesday, I worked until 2:30 then headed to Provo to go to the bike shop to purchase new shoes and went on a bike ride on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail afterwards. It was great at the first half of the ride then it turned into a nightmare. I got a flat, put a new tube in then I didn't have enough CO2 air to fill it up real good so I thought I could go slow and miss the rocks on the way back. As soon as I got the rear wheel on the bike, the chain was in a different cog ring than where the rear derailler was set up, I didn't know about it so I cranked it hard and then broke the chain. I didn't have a chain tool with me so I thought I could just run and walk back to the car which was 3.6 miles but the hills were so steep though so it was going to take a while. After I walked about 50 yards, Chris Holley rode by and said hi then thought I was somebody else, I told him I was in his team(Mad Dog Cycles) but he didn't know me I guess. Looks like I need to go to team group rides this year so I can get to know everybody. Chris Holley is a professional mountain biker and races for Gary Fisher/Subaru and also for Mad Dog Cycles. I then asked him if he had a chain tool so he did and fixed my chain and put a little air in my tire. I got back to car by the time it got dark. The bike handled good and climbs really great. Chris told me that on the new Superflys, they put on stock tires on them and shouldn't trust them. So I ordered better tires and I am not taking CO2 pumps anymore! They're nice, but they don't hold a lot of air. I just put in my hand pump in my seat bag so I hope I am all set now!


Tony said...

Sounds like an adventure. How big are your co2 cartridges? We can fill up one of the buggy tires with one of ours, maybe you could carry a couple of those(or just one I guess). I'm sure a hand pump would work fine too though, just an idear. I've looked at some that are co2, but have a teeny little hand pump backup. Sucks being unprepared, but you can't prepare for everything either.

Daniel said...

Not very big. I need to find one with the back up ones too.

Daniel said...

My tires worked fine today, I can keep them at 60 psi and they just do great, I was riding over a lot of technical terrain with lot's of sharp rocks and stuff, they held up just fine. I guess I will make sure they are at 60 pounds all the time and keep them on for now. I can keep my Hutchinson's I ordered in my closet somewhere and if I need them, I know I will have some good tires to put on at anytime. Also when the tires are all worn out which may be in the middle of the summer, I can put them on and use them as tubeless. Right now the tires on my bike have tubes and if I keep them at 60 psi, probably will be ok. But I still need to find a better co2 cartridge with a back up pump somewhere, I thought I saw some from nashbar or performance catalogs one day or something.

Daniel said...

A pump like this one maybe:

Tony said...

Cool, that is the same brand I saw at rocky mountain.

Tony said...

When's your next race?

Daniel said...

Cholla Challenge in Warner Valley near Hurricane on April 3.

Tony said...

Kick ass!!