Sunday, January 31, 2010

Galbraith Mountain....trail I must do before I die.

Galbraith Mountain is near Bellingham, Washington and it has a series of great trails for freeriders and cross country riders alike. It is well known for the Pacific Northwest mountain biking. For the freeride trails, there are many wood bridges, jumps, and trial stuff for the freeriders. For XC trail riding, there is plenty of singletrack riding with climbs and descents in the beautiful Northwest. I served in the Bellingham area for 4 months of my LDS mission and there were maybe two guys who talked into us to go riding with them at Galbraith but I guess it never happened. Now I need to try it! I would do just the XC trails though because I am not crazy like those guys in the video above. Now talk about craziness, those guys are good. Check out the video, it's amazingly well put. There is another video on with Galbraith Mountain and a bunch other trails like in Utah for a more clearer, crisp picture. I need to try this trail next time I go up there! For sure I will take my bike.


Tony said...

Looks nice, I'll have to watch the video at home sometime.

Tony said...

Pretty sweet video! Brayden wanted to start a new blog about RC's. Check it out if you get a chance.

Hilary said...

Very cool. Hopefully it won't be the last thing you do before you die. ;)