Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fun at Five Mile Pass...

Owen kickin' butt!

Brayden rippin' it!

There's goes the rear derailler, bummer.
Had a fun weekend with Tony and the boys at 5 Mile Pass between Lehi and Tooele. It was sure a heck of an indian summer all weekend so it because a blast. I took my mountain bike and had some great rides. I rode on the "Showdown at 5 Five Mile Pass" race course they have every spring. I did race it last spring but it turned out to be a rainy day and we just rode on the short course. So I wanted to try out the real actual big 11 mile course so I know what is like for next year's race. I thought it was fun and fast on the big and middle chainring most of the time. Lot's of rolling hills plus "The Wall" and "The Wash". On Saturday, I rode on the race course for like an hour and a half while the temperatures were good in the 60s. Had fun with the boys shooting rockets and playing with the potato gun. Ate bratwurst then watched Transformers 2 in the trailer. Slept in the heated trailer after a heated shower. The boys and Tony did go on rides while I was riding. We also played with RC trucks most of the time. Saturday morning we got up and I went for a short ride around while everybody else stood by the fire and played in the dirt. Then we all ate breakfast while watching a Baja racing video. Then I went for another ride while everybody else went on a ride on their motorbikes. I went to "The Wall" and back then the last mile or so, a rock flipped up and hit my rear derailler while it was in the lowest gear then got caught on a spoke and totally bented and twisted it like a taffy in a taffy machine. There's goes like $200! Well, ya?!?!. So I just coasted back down to camp then we played with rockets and potatos some more. Then we went home. It was all fun except when Owen's brake lever broke, my derailler broke, and Tony's RC truck broke. We all still had a fun weekend. Thanks Tony and the boys!


Tony said...

Great fun! What a great weekend..I still don't know what was going on with the clutch on our RC truck, time to break out the instructions I guess. The boys and I really liked having you along. Thanks for all the help around camp and the movie! Too bad we ended up with some busted parts. I still can't believe Owen's aim with the tater gun..500 feet up and dead on to my forehead! It was hard to leave..perfect weather, great scenery, great trails..we could have called in sick, but we would have run out of food:(

Daniel said...

Well, we could have got in the blue car and gone to Walmart in Lehi to get more food! It would have worked out except I would still have a busted bike. Ya man, I am still thinking about that shot Owen did, so funny! We need to go do this again next year!

Tony said...

Yea, my thoughts get more food etc. definitely need to do it again! Too bad your bike busted..I really was thinking about calling in sick!..probably best we didn't though I suppose. Stinking reality.haha!:)

Tony said...

Dude, we were talking on the way home about making a huge pringles can rocket for the tater cannon. Get like 3 pringles cans, cut the bottom out of two, tape them all together, put fins on the bottom and then glue a half of a tennis ball on the top! I'm thinking the extra length would let it accelerate more before leaving the barrel, the tennis ball would break the wind and allow for a safer re-entry..something to think about for next time;)

Daniel said...

Sounds like a good idea. I bet that would work, hopefully.