Saturday, January 17, 2009

Clear pictures for you smog/inversion people...

Mt. Nebo
Sanpete Valley

Mt. Timpinogous in the center distance

A better view of Sanpete Valley

I climbed that mountain on a pair of snowshoes to get to the top to take the dang pictures for you people.

It was fun. There were quite a lot of snowmobilers and snowboarders at Fairview Canyon and it was warm, I even saw a boarder wearing a wife beater's shirt. I went out in the backcountry to get away from all the crowds, a nice day today.


Skybob said...

Sweet pictures man! Glad you had fun on your snowshoes. I guess we don't have the inversion here in Syracuse, our thermometer said 51 today and sunny! I was out in the garage much of the day with the garage door open...It felt good, but I'm not too optimistic about Monday at Knolls, I am hopefull though:)

Daniel said...

It was a nice today, I agree with you. So, you got Owen's bike done?

Shell said...

Great pictures, it looks really nice.

Putz said...

alao enjoyed the movie marly and me with you dan, it didn't feel that warm to me today...tony, linnie findlay died for your info....i am glad dan had time to have fun today since he is off to roosevlet for a week after spending a whole week in rexburg

Skybob said...

Yea, I got the bike done, it works great...I'm not sure I know who linie findlay is.

Daniel said...

An old lady.

Skybob said...

Hmm, guys are so lucky not to have this dang inversion. I think we managed to dodge it for a little while, but it's here now!:( You really can see a long ways in those pictures!..nice clean air.

Skybob said...

..or do you have it, but you're just above it in those pictures?..I can't tell.

Daniel said...

Nope, we don't have it, we never have it. You should come down here and enjoy it yourself.

Skybob said...

Yea, I guess, but enjoy it how??

Daniel said...

I don't know, stare at the sun I think.