Monday, October 6, 2008


After this week...I am laid off. We have no work right now. So, I am out of work. I guess he said I would be off at least 2 months until he gets a job...maybe longer. The work all over the county, actually all over the nation is very slow. So, this economic crisis really sucks. Stupid Bush. So, I don't really know what to do, look for another job, or wait until my boss calls, or work at another job until then. I am not sure about anything, so I am clueless. Any suggestions?


Donnell Allan said...

It sounds like you are in construction.(?) It is pretty much the first thing to go in a recession. My husband was a cabinet maker in the last cycle, and everything just dried up.

He got another job, at an airline, at triple the wage he had before, plus benefits. Airlines are no good this time around, but there are still other good jobs to be found. He has always had good success by letting friends and relatives know he needs work. Connections have been our salvation more than once.

To quote that nun in the Sound of Music, "When God shuts a door, somewhere he opens a window." That has certainly been true for us.

Even in hard economic times, you only need one job. Even when there are only a few, there is one out there for you.

Don't give up.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! "a girl called dallan" is a smart woman! What fantasic advice. I wish I would have given it! I am so sorry that work has slowed down for you but you are so talented and I know that your boss has a fantastic reputation and work will pick up for him. You just need to hang on.

Daniel said...

Ya, Dallan is smart. My boss told me today that after I go to this Mesa Verde trip, I should check back with him because something can always turn out. That's the way construction is, you never know.

Skybob said...

It's not really Bush's fault.
Any luck yet?