Thursday, October 23, 2008

Caffeine and the effects it can have on humans

I got this paper about caffeine from my nurse today and this is what it says:

For regular Coffee Drinkers trying to cut back
Regular caffeine consumption reduces ones sensitivity to caffeine. When caffeine intake is reduced, the body becomes oversensitive. In respnse to this over sensitiveness, blood pressure drops dramatically, causing an excess of blood in the head (though not necessarily on the brain), leading to a headache. This headache, well known among coffee drinkers, usually lasts from one to five days. It is reversed only with caffeine intake or Aspirin. Many People who are reducing caffeine intake report being irritable, unable to work, nervous, restless, and feeling sleepy, as well as having a headache. In extreme cases, nausea and vomiting have also been reported.

What it does to the body and who it effects faster?
Caffeine increases heartbeat, respiration, basal metabolic rate, and the production of stomach acid and urine, and it relaxes smooth muscles, notably the bronchial muscle. These symptoms start anywhere from fifteen to forty five minutes after caffeine is consumed, except the central nervous system which is hit between thirty and sixty minutes after ingestion. But these times depend on the person's hormonal status, whether he/she smokes or takes medications, or has a disease that impairs liver functioning.

How long do the affects last?
Caffeine is absorbed through the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream. The amount of caffeine in the blood reaching the brain determines the severity of its effects on the body. Caffeine is metabolized by the liver and eventually its metabolites are excreted in urine, although caffeine can also be secreted in saliva, semen, and breast milk. Caffeine will continue to have an effect on the body as long as it remains in the blood. The time required for the body to eliminate one-half of the total amount of caffeine consumed this varies from several hours to several days. For the average non-smoking adult the effects last about five to seven hours. Several factors can lengthen caffeine's half-life, such as some medications, liver diseases, pregnancy. The half-life of caffeine in a pregnant woman is 18-20 hours, the half-life in women taking oral contraceptives is up to 13 hours. Other factors, such smoking and age can shorten caffeine's half-life. For example, in children and smokers the half-life averages about 3 hours.

What are the effects of Caffeinism (caffeine overdose)?
As you have learned before Caffeines stimulates the central nervous system and can produce other effects through out the rest of the body. The symptoms of a caffeine overdose ("caffeinism") varies according to individual differences and the amount consumed. Doses ranging from 250 to 750 mg (2 to 7 cups of coffee) can produce restlessness, nausea, headache, tense muscles, sleep disturbances, and irregular heart beats it can also cause Anorexia. Doses of over 750 mg (7 cups of coffee) can produce a reaction similar to an anxiety attack, including delirium, ringing ears, and light flashes. These amounts of caffeine may come from a single dose from many doses in a short period of time.

What are the long term effects that Caffeine can produce?
Ulcers is believed to be caused partially by Caffeine because Caffeine increases the secretion of acids and pepsin in the stomach, which could increase an already existing ulcer. But it isn't definite that Caffeine is responsible for this, tests were done that proved that both caffeinated and decafeinated coffee inflamed ulcers.
Heart Problems more seriously can be caused by Caffeine. Caffeine has been shown to cause cardiac arrhythmia's (irregular heartbeats) in certain people; often people with heart disease are told to avoid caffeine altogether. However, no evidence shows that caffeine is a causative factor in the development of heart disease.

Soft Drinks

12-ounce beverage milligrams

Red Bull 80.0
Jolt 71.2
Pepsi One 55.5
Mountain Dew 55.0
Mountain Dew Code Red 55.0
Diet Mountain Dew 55.0
Kick Citrus 54.0
Mellow Yellow 52.8
Surge 51.0
Tab 46.8
Diet Coke 45.6
Shasta Cola 44.4
Shasta Cherry Cola 44.4
Shasta Diet Cola 44.4
RC Cola 43.0
Diet RC 43.0

Note: My nurse also said that giving a regular coke to your child is like giving an adult a Red Bull or Monster drink because of the child's size.


Putz said...

i get headackes when i just think about red bull that gives you wings

Putz said...

bah, hum bug from mom

Lucy Stern said...

And that is why the church teaches us not to drink coffee and tea....I've seen what caffeine does to my son...No thanks!