Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why women are more multi-task...and men are more aggressive...

I remember my art teacher way back in high school told me this and then Becky and I were talking about this a few days ago that women are more multi-task than men. The woman's two sides of the brain are closer together and the man's brain has a big gap between the two sides of his brain. That explains why women can talk on the phone and clean the house the same time. Or watch the kids, talk on the phone, wash the dishes, and vacuum the floor all at once. And men can only do one of those things at once. The wife comes home and the kids were being watched by the husband but the house is not clean so the wife gets mad about the dirty house. So, don't blame the men, blame God. That's the way men were built, to focus on one thing at a time. That's probably why men are more aggressive, because they think about one thing and really get into it, and not thinking about something else. So, the good thing about women, they can do a lot of things at once and get things done more, but not as aggressive. And men are more aggressive and that is a really good thing.


Shell said...

Dan, don't you know women are just smarter, more talented, and all around better then men. (I AM JUST KIDDING!)

Putz said...

men fight the damn wars that is why

Putz said...

men fight the damn wars that is why

Shell said...

No, that is why men fight the wars. Not the other way around.

Skybob said...

Women fight in wars too nowadays, and it's a good thing we have soldiers that fight the wars/battles. Men and women do have different strengths and weaknesses, I guess it's good that we pair up.

I can burp and fart at the same time.

Shell said...

Actually I am not sure what the damn wars are, are they over water rights or power generation or something?

Daniel said...

Tony's right, put a man and woman together and it is complete!

Laura said...

I can't multitask worth a darn. If I'm doing the dishes I can hardly have a conversation. I don't think I'm very manly though...

Putz said...

well laur, your problem iss....that you are LAURA

Laura said...

What exactly does that mean?!