Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Big Pioneer Trail Project....

This is my next project. There is a big swamp about halfway on the Pioneer Mountain Bike Trail in Ephraim Canyon and I have to do something about it. It is always wet and muddy about 50 feet along the swamp area you have to walk or ride through. I am planning to put a big o' bridge over it so you can just ride over it without a single spec of mud on your tires and not ruining the swamp. I am planning to chainsaw a lot of trees and logs to make the bridge frame(put big logs under the bridge frame so the water can flow right under), then put on 14.5 inch 2x4s for the platform(they are about 3 inches apart). I don't know when to work on it but sometime soon, I need some help though.

I bought a Nashbar Cargo trailer for $99 and the cargo net for $6.99 so I can carry the chainsaw and the 2x4s while I ride down the trail. I will ask Cory Gordon for scrap 2x4s they don't want from his construction company(I got a whole bunch last time when I built some other bridges). It should be nice when it is done. The trail is getting really packed down and people are talking about it all the time, even those living up at North. Last Sunday, I rode on the trail and there were forest service guys at the trailhead setting up gps signals for it which they do every year.

1 comment:

Skybob said...

How is this project going?
Have you tried out your chainsaw and trailer yet?
Have you gotten any flak for cutting trees etc.?