Thursday, May 29, 2008

Didn't get selected to Lotoja? No Problem! Even better:

I didn't get selected to Lotoja. So, I am going to have my own Lotoja rides except they will be on a mountain bike, so even better! The first one is going to be during the Barlow Family Reunion this July, before everybody heads up the Ephraim Canyon Road, I am going to bike up the Skyline instead of driving or riding up there. All the way from Ephraim to the top of the mountain. 5,000 vertical feet of purism climbing! It is 26 miles and about 15-20% grade. I used to do it in one hour and 50 minutes when I was a teenager while racing and now I probably do it in 2 and a half hours. I haven't climbed that long of climb in a long time but I do still climb on the canyon road but not that far since back then. So I am going to do it again for the first time in a few years. Then on the way home from the family reunion, I am going down on the Pioneer and Flume Trails.

The second ride is going to be in August. This ride is when I have a chance to be high! Mom is going to drop me off at the Fairview Skyline and I am going to start from the Skyline Drive turn off and ride my mountain bike along the Skyline Drive(Great Western Trail) all the way to Mayfield. This ride should be about 60-70 miles, I am not sure, but it somewhere around there. This ride has climbs, downhills, high altitude, and a load of scenery. This ride is all at 10,000 to 11,000 feet above sea level. So, get high. I did this ride two times with the scouts but we did 30 miles a day for 3 days. This time I am going to do it all in one day! Should be fun but tiresome.


Putz said...

good job,,,, will save gas money and you could get some ideas before we get up there in july

Laura said...

I like your attitude. I just got lazy when we heard we didn't get picked. You are gettng busy with other rides. I'm impressed.

Jess said...

Hello..thought I would stop by after you visited my blog. Thank you so much for your visit. And how nice your experiences are and will be with mountain biking! Sounds great, but here in NE Arkansas not so

Skybob said...

Sounds like a good plan! The reunion should be fun! I think I will be doing alot of riding down to the valley and back up again on my motorbike. It has more power at lower altitudes and I really like the sheep trail, saddle, peaty bishop trail, game trail, new canyon..I like the arapeen over by blue lake too..should be a good time. I am sure we will have alot of time to relax/visit too so make sure you guys bring a movie or two you would like to watch, maybe some games/board games etc. We are thinking we will be on skyline Thursday night, the 10th. Do you have any ideas of a specifice spot up there?

Daniel said...

There are a lot of good spots by the microwave station or over on the way to Snow Lake. I just hope we get a spot, that's all. It's usually hard to find a trailer spot because most people leave their trailers up there and only camp there twice a year. There is a 14 day camping limit but people still leave their trailers all summer long, it is usually not fair to most other people. They just think it's their territory or something. Even we can't find a spot there, I am sure we can find a spot somewhere on Philadelphia Flat. You can always find a spot there. If you get up there on Thursday, I think that would be a bonus! Then for sure you can find a spot then. I can look for a spot during the week before the camp out. Just drive up there or something. The most cool thing is that I will get the Sikk bike by early fall!

Skybob said...

It's not fair at all!
I don't think we can get our trailer up the road to philadelphia, but I could be wrong. I suppose if they don't enforce the 14 day limit then they shouldn't have a problem with us making a new spot. There is alot of land up there. Just because people are "hometown folk", or camp in a certain place, or ride a certain trail all the time doesn't mean they have the right to take it over or police it themselves. I have never seen it anywhere but Ephraim! I have no respect for those people. I believe in leaving it better than you found it for the next person.
You are getting the sikk bike in the fall huh? Nice!

Anonymous said...

I'm having chest pain just thinking of it. Kudos to you buddy! I am now reminded just how out of shape I am...

Skybob said...

I'm not sure where the microwave station is. Where do you think the best spot is for you guys.. assuming that it's not taken.

Daniel said...

I am thinking that one spot between that steep shortcut and the main canyon road just right when you get the top. Just right by the turnoff to Snow Lake. That way we don't have to drive on any of the Skyline Drive road when everybody's got cars.

Daniel said...

That's usually the Bradley's spot. I don't know if we can get there before the Bradley's, I think we could if you go up on Thursday. They Bradley's trailer is usually there for months though, so good luck.

Like what I said, I don't know, I will have to go up early in the week and look for a spot because you never know what's available.

We could get lucky though because Jeff Bradley and his wife got a divorce so I don't know if they are going to do it anymore. Or maybe Jeff will do it with his kids, who knows?

Skybob said...

That would be a sweet spot. I guess you could throw a tent up to save the spot if you happen to go up there between now and then, otherwise I guess we'll just take what we can get.

Skybob said...

Do you have an old tent you could throw up to save that spot? If you get the spot first you beat the Bradleys at their own game, if someone tells you to move it, you have some ammunition against the Bradleys when they stick their trailer there all summer.

Skybob said...

If I take my trailer up in the dark and that spot is not available, you guys may end up with a pretty crappy tent location..just a thought.

Daniel said...

You can't go up there now, there is still five feet of snow. I don't have an old tent either.

Skybob said...

Ok dude, whatever.

Johnny said...

I have a cat 4 spot at lotoja if you're interested.