Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sadie And Duke Are Barlows Now

I went over to the Willardsons house across the street to see and Sadie and Duke and Mr. Willardson came to me and said he would give me a hundred dollars to take Sadie and Duke. I told I would think about it and I decided to take them. Of course! I would be glad to take them, I really like Sadie and Duke, the two Labordors. I took the hundred bucks to build a kennel for them in my backyard. I built it in a half a day and took their dog houses and plywood sheets(will use those for a roof for the kennel), and dog food. I spent $110 for the kennel using IFA fencing stuff and bought two great big 5 gallon buckets to use them for food and water. Sadie and Duke are good friends and they are good friends to each other. They stick together all the time. The Larsens are very happy about it but Bonnie Olson is definitely not happy. I don't care what Bonnie thinks and they are on my property and tuff luck. They don't bark at all and are very quiet dogs. They are very patient and I took them on walks today and did fine with them. I will take them on walks like every day or every other day. I finally have some dogs.

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