Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Medical Mystery?

Well, as I mentioned earlier in my other posts that I haven't done much riding since February because I was overtrained or something. That's what I thought, according to exercise research, when overtrained, your body should take a maximum of 9 weeks for it to recover and feel good again before exercising again. Well, for me, it's been now 12 weeks, and I did go on a few rides but my legs especially on the quads and calves gave me a torturing sharp pain as I went riding. I have thought about it for a while why I have these things happening to my body? I have never felt this after 15 years of mountain biking and cycling. It was getting too rediculous and too weird. Then it came in my mind, that beginning of last fall, I have started taking a new medicine called, "Invega Sustenna" to replace the 'Resperidal Consta' I have been taking for years. The psychriatrist I go to thought I should change to the Invega Sustenna which is a brand new medicine that just came out and does the same effects as the Resperidal Consta but with this new medicine I can get the injection once a month instead of two times per month like the Resperidal Consta. I went for it and mentally, it's working great. Then I thought, because I am exercising poorly now than I have ever been, is it the medicine? I did some research on the Invega Sustenna and I could see on one of the side effects on the list is "muscle cramps or muscle soreness". Then I googled muscle cramps and it said if you have a prolong muscle cramp that would not heal, it could be medicine you are taking as well.
So I went to the nurse I go to and asked her about it, and she said she thinks it's possible and will talk to the doctor so I am waiting for a reply back. I asked if I could change back to Resperidal Consta because that stuff never caused the same problems I have right now. The only diffence between the two medicines is the number of injections. They do treat exactly the same. I'd rather have more injections and ride my bike than have less injections than not ride my bike at all(oh yeah, definitely!) So, I don't know if this is the problem or not, but I hope it is because I am dead tired of not exercising. Exercising is good for you and I don't want that taken away out of my life.
I have read other people's reviews about the Invega Sustenna, and not really any of them really talked about the same problems I have. They talked mostly about weight gain, nightmares at night, and being thirsty at night. So, I assume, none of these people exercise at all. Only one person in the reviews talked about she swims a lot but did talk about muscle stiffness and aching joints.
So, I don't know, it's a real mystery. We'll have to see after a few months and changing medicines. The Invega Sustenna is really helping my mind and helping me think more clearly but I want to ride my bike a lot too and we'll see what the doctor has to say. I want to keep riding my bike and it's the main reason why I am getting better. I learned that you can't only get mentally better just exercising but both medicine and exercising helps. I hate medicine but everybody says it is helping me so I'll stick with it. Taking it especially with biking or other exercises helps even better.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This is my home...

Yep. This is it. I have to be honest with you, every time I go to a race or away from home, I'd rather be home. I was born here and I grew up here. I am a true Sanpeter, even though I don't farm, or hunt, or 4 wheelin', or any other thing Sanpeters really do, I still fit in just fine. All probably because I was born here, I am the only one in my family that was born in Sanpete and I am probably going to be here forever because I assume I don't fit in anywhere else in the world. I just mentioned that probably ten years ago and I can't think of anywhere else I want to be. I love the towns, the mountains, the people, the farms, and all the animals. The animals and I just get along just great around here. Even a bear didn't attack me, maybe he likes me, I don't know.

In the past while, I was doing a lot of thinking, maybe I don't want to keep doing so many races all the time and not have much time to ride where I "really" want to ride. It's great around here, there's awesome bike trails that were just built and where it is just fun to stay home and ride. I like the peaceful and relaxing environment I have here....and a whole lot of space. Maybe one day, there will be a lot more bike/horse/hiking trails in Ephraim Canyon, we are working on that, talking with IMBA and the Forest Service in the future. Many people around here do have some great ideas on some new trails in some areas in the canyon.

I can't get a job anywhere else but in Sanpete, it's true, most outsiders can't get a job here probably because they are not from Sanpete. I believe that, because we, the Sanpeters really hate city slickers or a person that is not a Sanpeter. When they do move here, all they do is complain. Complaining about how horrible it is here, like there is nothing to do, then they end up leaving. I go, "so long, we don't want you here anyway". Yeah, we get that a lot. We also hate visitors, even during the Manti pageant, LDS church pageant thing, people that come here gets really annoying, and especially college students that go to Snow College, they are just a nightmare. This is our home, and my home. A bunch of hardheaded haigs that know how to really work hard, live hard, and play hard.

Friday, May 6, 2011

2011 Spring Pictures and Such...finally.

Flume Trail

Out by Gunnison, sheep in the sunset.

Flume Trail in the grey.

Flume Trail in the sun.

Damaged tree at Little Hill, either snow or lightning. Still a mystery.

Black Hill Trails

View of Taylor's Flat from the Flume Trail.

Newborn horse behind Mike's new house.

Well, you've guessed it. Spring food.

My shadow and handlebars....the only way to get a picture of myself and my bike together.